2023 is here! A New Year, a new goal, new trends, new everything. Let’s think, is this going to be the year your business finally grows or gets to its ideal place? That’s entirely up to you! But what we do know are the best ways to help you get there, and it all starts with SPACE! Are you meeting your potential customers in a professional environment that gives them trust and confidence that you’re here for the long run? Let’s think about space for a moment. Did you know that having an office space or even a professional meeting room to meet your customers, vendors, and new leads can really give your business the push 2022 did not do? Start with Flex Space, then #levelup What Flexible Space means for Business E Suites: A flexible workspace can also be referred to as a shared office space or flexispace. Flexible workspace is the term for an office space that comes with several creative desk layouts and space options. Different types of workspaces tend to include: Hot desks: non-fixed desks, or workspaces that any employee can utilize. Flexible workspace design encourages employee engagement on a daily basis. Allowing staff to spend time outside work areas and in zones better suited to specific tasks can improve mood and productivity. Flexible space can be open-plan, but it can also include small enclosed offices or even larger options. |
Plans start at $99/month. Day passes are available! |