
working from home Archives - Business E Suites

Staying Productive During Summer with Kids: The Business E Suites Advantage

By | Tips

Summer brings warm weather, family fun, and for many, the challenge of balancing work with childcare. Maintaining productivity while ensuring your kids are engaged can be tricky, especially for those working from home. However, with effective strategies and a dedicated workspace like Business E Suites, you can enjoy a productive summer without sacrificing quality family time.

1. Develop a Consistent Routine

A consistent routine is essential for productivity. Children benefit from structure, and so do adults. Design a summer schedule that aligns your work hours with your children’s activities. Plan intensive work periods during times when your kids are occupied with activities such as summer camps, playdates, or naps, allowing you to work uninterrupted.

2. Create a Fun Activity Calendar

Get your kids involved in planning their summer. A calendar filled with daily activities can keep them busy and entertained. Schedule activities like arts and crafts, reading, and outdoor play alongside your work hours. This not only keeps your kids engaged but also encourages their independence.

3. Maximize Quiet Time

Use quiet activities to your advantage during your peak work hours. Encourage your kids to engage in quiet time with books, puzzles, or educational games. This strategy can be especially helpful during virtual meetings or when you need deep focus on tasks.

4. Establish a Dedicated Workspace

Having a dedicated workspace can greatly enhance productivity. It helps you mentally separate work from family time. If space at home is limited, consider using Business E Suites.

5. Experience Business E Suites for Optimal Productivity

Business E Suites provides an excellent solution for parents seeking to stay productive during the summer. Conveniently located close to home, Business E Suites offers a professional environment free from household distractions. Here’s why it’s ideal for summer productivity:

  • Flexible Membership Options: Business E Suites offers flexible month-to-month memberships, allowing you to adjust based on your summer schedule and family needs.
  • Professional Work Environment: With dedicated workstations, private offices, and high-speed internet, Business E Suites ensures you have all the essentials for a productive workday.
  • Community and Networking: Being part of Business E Suites means joining a community of professionals. Networking opportunities and community events can enhance your work experience.
  • Work-Life Balance: By having a separate workspace, you can better manage your work-life balance. Once your workday is done, you can return home to fully enjoy time with your family.

6. Schedule Family Activities

Balancing work and family time is crucial. Use your flexible work arrangement to plan fun family activities. Whether it’s evening walks, weekend trips, or backyard games, these moments can create lasting memories and help you relax after a productive day.

7. Stay Organized with Tools

Utilize productivity tools and apps to stay organized. Task management apps like Trello or Asana can help keep track of work projects, while family organizers like Cozi can coordinate family schedules. Staying organized reduces stress and helps you manage both work and family responsibilities effectively.


Balancing work and family during the summer doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a structured routine, engaging activities for your kids, and a dedicated workspace like Business E Suites, you can maintain productivity while enjoying quality family time. Explore the flexible month-to-month options at Business E Suites and transform your summer work experience.

Ready to elevate your productivity this summer? Contact Business E Suites today to learn more about our flexible membership plans and how we can help you achieve the perfect work-life balance.

Experience the Best in Business Flexibility at Business E Suites

By | Industry

Welcome to Business E Suites, where every detail is designed to enhance your business operations and professional life. Whether you’re a startup founder, a freelancer, or a small business owner looking for an inspiring space to grow your business, Business E Suites offers the perfect blend of flexibility, convenience, and support to help you succeed.

A Tailored Environment for Modern Professionals

At Business E Suites, we understand that the needs of modern professionals are evolving. That’s why we offer a range of flexible office solutions, from private offices to co-working spaces, equipped with all the necessary amenities to foster productivity and innovation. Our spaces are designed with your business needs in mind, combining comfort and functionality to create an ideal work environment.

Unmatched Amenities to Boost Your Business

Our suites are more than just office spaces; they are vibrant communities that provide everything you need to thrive:

  • High-Speed Internet: Stay connected with reliable, high-speed fiber internet, ensuring your business operations are always running smoothly.
  • Meeting and Conference Rooms: Access well-equipped meeting spaces designed to make your presentations, pitches, and meetings professional and effective.
  • 24/7 Access: Work on your own schedule with around-the-clock access to your office space, allowing you to work when it suits you best.
  • Professional Business Address: Enhance your professional image with a prestigious business address that adds credibility to your business.
  • Event and Networking Opportunities: Engage with a community of like-minded professionals through regular networking events and workshops, perfect for growing your network and finding new opportunities.

Location and Convenience

Located in the heart of the business district, Business E Suites is more than just a workspace; it’s a strategic hub. Proximity to major transportation, dining, and entertainment options means you’re perfectly placed to balance work and play, making it easier than ever to transition between meetings, lunches, and after-work activities.

A Commitment to Your Growth

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to supporting your business journey every step of the way. From administrative support to personalized attention, we ensure that all your business needs are met, allowing you to focus on what you do best — growing your business.

Join the Business E Suites Community

Discover why Business E Suites is the chosen destination for dynamic professionals looking for a workspace that adapts to their ambitious goals. Whether you’re scaling up, just starting out, or in need of a change of scenery, Business E Suites provides the tools, community, and environment to propel your business forward.

Explore the possibilities that await at Business E Suites. Book a tour today and see firsthand how our spaces can transform your workday and elevate your business. Your best work begins here!

Staying Productive in the Office This Summer: Balancing Work and Family

By | Tips

Summer can bring a unique set of challenges for working parents, especially when children are home from school. At Business E Suites, we understand the delicate balance between maintaining productivity at work and ensuring your kids are happy and safe during the summer months. Here are some strategies to help you navigate this season effectively.

1. Set a Consistent Routine

Children thrive on routine, and so can your workday. Establish and maintain a consistent daily schedule that aligns your most demanding work tasks with times when you are least likely to be interrupted. Whether it’s early morning hours before the children wake up or during their afternoon activities, finding your optimal work times can enhance focus and efficiency.

2. Leverage Flexible Work Hours

Business E Suites offers the flexibility to tailor your office hours to fit your family’s summer schedule. Consider adjusting your work hours to come in early or stay later when necessary, allowing you to spend quality time with your children when they’re most active or need engagement.

3. Utilize Professional Meeting Spaces

When you need to ensure focus, particularly during important meetings or deep work sessions, take advantage of Business E Suites’ professional meeting spaces. These are designed to provide a quiet, professional environment that can help you maintain productivity levels without the distractions that might come from a home office setting.

4. Encourage Independence in Your Kids

Use this summer as an opportunity to encourage independence in your children with age-appropriate activities that they can do on their own. Set up engaging and safe activities for them that can be done at home while you work. This could include educational apps, books, or simple creative projects.

5. Plan Ahead for Childcare

If possible, coordinate with other working parents to set up playdates or shared childcare responsibilities. This can free up blocks of time where you know you can work uninterrupted. Business E Suites is located near several child-friendly facilities, making it convenient to drop off your kids for a few hours of supervised fun.

6. Stay Connected with Technology

Stay connected with your kids through technology. Quick video calls or messages during breaks can help reassure younger children and maintain your bond, even while you are at the office.

7. Create a Summer Bucket List

Make the most of the summer by creating a bucket list of activities to look forward to with your kids. This can include weekend getaways, local attractions, or simple backyard adventures. Knowing you have these moments planned can make it easier to focus on work tasks while at the office.

Balancing work and family life during the summer doesn’t have to be stressful. At Business E Suites, we offer the resources and environment to help you stay productive, no matter the season. Embrace these strategies to enhance your efficiency at work while ensuring your kids have a memorable summer.

Navigating Challenges: Strategies for Small Businesses to Succeed in 2024

By | Tips

As 2024 unfolds, small businesses are facing a complex array of challenges ranging from economic fluctuations to evolving consumer preferences and technological disruptions. However, with every challenge comes an opportunity for growth and innovation. This article explores common struggles small businesses may encounter this year and provides practical strategies to not only overcome these hurdles but to thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

1. Economic Uncertainty

Challenge: With potential economic volatility, including fluctuating consumer spending and uncertain market conditions, small businesses often feel the impact more significantly than their larger counterparts.

Solution: To navigate economic uncertainty, it’s crucial for small businesses to focus on financial health. Strengthening your cash flow management, exploring diverse revenue streams, and maintaining a lean operation can make your business more adaptable. Additionally, establishing a solid relationship with financial institutions for possible funding and maintaining an emergency cash reserve can provide a buffer against unforeseen setbacks.

2. Keeping Up with Technological Changes

Challenge: The rapid pace of technological advancement can be overwhelming for small businesses, especially those with limited budgets to invest in new tech.

Solution: Instead of trying to adopt every new technology, focus on technologies that directly benefit your business operations or enhance customer experiences. Utilize cost-effective solutions like cloud services, which can provide access to high-level tech without significant upfront investment. Regular training and staying informed about relevant tech trends will also ensure your business remains competitive.

3. Talent Recruitment and Retention

Challenge: Competing with larger companies for talent can be daunting due to their ability to offer higher salaries and more comprehensive benefits.

Solution: Small businesses can attract and retain talent by emphasizing their unique advantages. These include flexible working conditions, a more personal work environment, and the opportunity for employees to have a direct impact on the business. Developing a strong company culture and offering creative compensation packages that might include profit sharing or flexible work arrangements can also be very appealing.

4. Increasing Competition

Challenge: As new businesses enter the market and established companies expand their offerings, small businesses must find ways to remain competitive.

Solution: Differentiate your business by providing exceptional customer service, a unique product line, or a personalized customer experience that larger companies often cannot match. Leveraging local networks and focusing on community involvement can also enhance your competitive advantage and build loyal customer bases.

5. Regulatory Compliance

Challenge: Staying abreast of regulatory changes and ensuring compliance can be particularly challenging for small businesses, which often lack dedicated legal or compliance teams.

Solution: It’s important to invest in legal advice and stay updated on changes in your industry’s regulations. Joining industry associations, attending relevant workshops, and subscribing to industry publications can help you stay informed and compliant.

Business E Suites: Empowering Small Business Success in 2024

Understanding and addressing these challenges can position small businesses for success. For those in Sugar Land and its surrounding areas, Business E Suites offers flexible workspace solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses. With our supportive community and dynamic environment, we provide the ideal foundation for small businesses looking to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in 2024.

Visit www.businessEsuites.com to discover how Business E Suites can facilitate your small business’s growth and resilience in the coming year. Let’s tackle the challenges of 2024 together, turning potential obstacles into stepping stones for success.

First Impressions Count: Mastering Client Meetings Without an Office

By | Tips

In the age of remote work and digital nomadism, not every entrepreneur or freelancer has access to a dedicated office space. However, maintaining professionalism during client meetings remains paramount. This blog post offers practical tips for conducting professional client meetings without an office, highlighting how Business E Suites can be your ace in the hole.

1. Choose the Right Environment

The location of your meeting can significantly impact its outcome. Cafés and public spaces may work for casual catch-ups, but they can be distracting and unprofessional for important business discussions. Business E Suites offers access to professional and well-equipped meeting rooms that can be booked on demand, ensuring you make the right impression in a controlled and conducive environment.

2. Leverage Technology

Make use of technology to enhance your meetings. Utilizing video conferencing tools for remote meetings can be effective, but ensure you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet, professional-looking background. Business E Suites provides high-speed internet and technology-equipped spaces, making it an ideal setting for both virtual and in-person meetings.

3. Prepare Thoroughly

Preparation is key to a successful meeting. Have a clear agenda, know your material inside and out, and be ready to answer questions or provide further details as needed. This level of preparedness shows respect for your client’s time and demonstrates your professionalism.

4. Follow Up Promptly

After the meeting, send a timely follow-up to recap the discussion and next steps. This not only keeps the momentum going but also reinforces your professionalism and commitment to your client’s needs.

5. Use Virtual Office Services

For those without a physical office, virtual office services can provide a professional mailing address, phone answering services, and access to meeting rooms as needed. Business E Suites offers virtual office packages that can enhance your business’s professional image and support your operational needs.


Meeting with clients without a dedicated office space doesn’t have to compromise your professionalism. By selecting the right environment, leveraging technology, preparing thoroughly, following up promptly, and utilizing virtual office services, you can conduct successful and impressive client meetings.

For entrepreneurs and freelancers looking for a professional setting to meet with clients, Business E Suites offers the perfect solution. Book a tour today at businessEsuites.com and discover how our meeting rooms and virtual office services can elevate your client meetings to the next level.


A Sanity-Saving Guide to Working From Home With Young Children

By | Tips

As a mother with young children, working from home is both a blessing and a curse. You can spend more time with your little ones, avoid the daily commute to and from work, and save money on childcare, but you’re also faced with constant interruptions and distractions that make working seem close to impossible. And due to COVID-19 concerns, you may not feel comfortable hiring a babysitter or sending your little ones to child care — even when you’re desperate for a break.

To help you juggle it all, the team at Business E Suites is here to share some sanity-saving tips and strategies to make working from home with young kids much more feasible. Read on to get started!

Work While the Little Ones Sleep

If you’re a sleep-deprived mother of a newborn, you may be tempted to catch up on some sleep whenever your baby goes down for a morning or afternoon nap. However, nap times are the perfect opportunities to power through your important work tasks — even if you only have 20- to- 40 minutes to yourself. The same goes for napping toddlers and young children!

In addition to working while your little ones nap, you’ll accomplish more if you aim to work when your children are at their calmest. For most children, this usually means immediately after waking from a nap or eating a meal.

Share Responsibilities

If you and your partner are both working remotely during the pandemic, try splitting your parenting duties between the two of you, and scheduling childcare shifts throughout the workday. If your partner has deadlines, phone calls, and meetings in the morning, you could care for your little ones in the morning and your partner could take the afternoon shift. If each workday looks a bit different, however, you’ll want to sit down with your partner every evening to plan out the following day’s activities.

Try Virtual Babysitting Services

To keep young children entertained so you can focus on your work, you could turn to online games and activities — or you could enlist the help of a virtual babysitter. To find a virtual babysitter to engage with your little ones via Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime, Kelsey Hurwitz of Woman’s Day recommends:

  • Obtaining referrals from friends and family.
  • Visiting websites such as SitterCity and Care.com.
  • Asking for recommendations on Facebook.
  • Looking for virtual sitters on NextDoor and other neighborhood platforms.

As another option, you could check with your friends and relatives to see if they might be interested in a virtual visit with your little ones. Grandma and grandpa, for instance, can read stories to your young children, draw and color with them, and play fun virtual games like I-Spy and Mad Libs.

Preserve Your Sanity

When you’re at home with your young kids all week long, some days may test your sanity — and you may start to feel as if you’re on the verge of losing your mind. However, this is where self-care comes in. Even as a busy work-from-home mom, self-care is a must!

Here are some simple self-care strategies to keep you happy, healthy, and sane:

  • Try a coworking space. One day a week away from home could be a boon for your productivity. If you can work it out with your partner, plan to use a coworking space for a whole workday. You may be able to work ahead to lighten up the rest of your week.
  • Dress comfortably. Skip the tight jeans and business clothes and opt for comfortable yet stylish leggings, tanks and joggers. When you’re chasing toddlers and young children around all day, comfortable clothing is a must.
  • Remember to breathe. Try a meditation app like Insight Timer, Calm, or Omvana — even if you only have a few minutes to spare.
  • Drink plenty of water. Nourish your body and mind by sipping on water throughout the day, and aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. If you’re breastfeeding, however, you’ll need to increase your water intake by about four glasses.
  • Do something for yourself. Extra time at home may have sealed the deal for you on future plans. For example, if you aspire to become an entrepreneur or finally want to get your MBA, you can join a program that fits your busy schedule but allows you to advance your career. You owe it to yourself.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’ve been working from home for years or you’re still adjusting to remote work amidst COVID-19, the challenges of being a work-from-home mom are vast — especially when you’ve got young children to feed and care for. However, focusing on the many advantages of working from home with your children will help to keep your sanity and remind you of how fortunate you really are to be given this opportunity.

Some days will certainly be tougher than others, but in time, you’ll fall into a routine that works for you and your little ones. Before you know it, working from home with a baby or toddler (or both!) won’t seem so impossible after all.

Are you looking for an affordable office space away from home? Look to Business E Suites for a monthly membership that allows you the opportunity to work in a professional environment so you can be more productive.

Image via Pexels

Article by: Janice Russell

El antídoto para adaptarse en el nuevo mercado

By | Business, Industry, Tips

Si bien la tecnología de la comunicación nos permite trabajar desde casa, existen dificultades que podrás experimentar al trabajar en casa y analizamos los beneficios que te brinda el mantener una correcta división entre tu trabajo y tu casa. Existen alternativas para poder trabajar de una manera eficiente, adecuada y por bajos costos como las oficinas compartidas, existe el alquiler de cubículos u oficinas y con ellos los beneficios de mantener tu empresa conectada con otras, permitiendo así la expansión en el mercado, mejorando tu carta de presentación ante tus clientes y mantener absoluto control sobre tus resultados, algo que están haciendo los empresarios profesionales con estrategias eficientes y dirigidas a la productividad, rentando espacios económicos que ayudan en la imagen de tu negocio, controlar tu agenda y múltiples beneficios extras.

  1. La balanza productiva.

Te habrás dado cuenta que trabajando desde casa, existe mayor comodidad y se reflejará en tus resultados. A esto se le conoce como la balanza productiva, cuando la distracción aumenta, el rendimiento disminuye y viceversa. Supongamos que te llaman a una junta urgente y sigues en pijama, o debes cerrar un trato con un cliente potencial y a tu alrededor se escucha mucho ruido o imagina presentar el reporte de fin de mes al dueño de la empresa, mientras tus hijos corren por la casa.

Es aquí donde separar tu hogar de la oficina cobra sentido, respetar los espacios es clave para el correcto desarrollo de tu organización, recordemos que el propósito de todo negocio es avanzar al siguiente nivel. No importa a que industria perteneces, todas las empresas buscan aumentar su cartera de clientes, expandir su mercado, incrementar su capacidad de producción y con ello formar equipos de trabajo competentes, numerosos y estables. Siguiendo con esta visión, tu valor en el mercado también se beneficiará, creando una red de contactos más sólida y por ende las recomendaciones profesionales.

  1. En la unión está la fuerza.

Si eres del tipo de persona a la que le gusta trabajar solo y con métodos específicos, amarás el trabajar aislado desde casa, pero debemos recordar el proverbio africano que dice “Si quieres ir rápido camina solo, si quieres llegar lejos ve acompañado”, mismo que siguen las empresas reconocidas a nivel internacional. Sabemos que en el mercado actual es más fuerte la competencia, por tal motivo es importante transmitir confianza al cliente, tu corporativo debe proyectar experiencia, seguridad y profesionalismo.

Si apenas estás comenzando, te recomiendo buscar una oficina compartida, te incluye diversos servicios como internet, servicio postal, recepcionista, cafetería, entre otros más por el mismo precio. Además de esta gran ventaja, el alquilar un espacio de coworking te permite estar en contacto con otros profesionales, encontrar inspiración, perspectivas, hacer relaciones laborales y obtener recomendaciones. Es muy común que un cliente nuevo o antiguo de la persona que se aloja en el cubículo de enseguida necesita del servicio que provees y de manera directa llegan a ti, sin necesidad de buscarlos.

  1. El ahorro intangible

Por supuesto, no podemos dejar a un lado la economía, quizá piensas en el ahorro que representa trabajar desde casa como en transporte, la comida rápida o incluso en vestimenta. Pero seamos realistas, no hablamos de un gasto masivo y se puede comparar con la energía eléctrica que antes no usabas en tus horas fuera, notarás que el garrafón del agua se termina más rápido que antes, gastarás en café, etc. Es cierto que el gasto no es algo grande, pero tenlo en cuenta: para trabajar en casa necesitarás más que una computadora, una mesa y un sofá

Cuando trabajas mucho tiempo sentado, es importante tener un mueble diseñado para trabajar en una posición cómoda, misma que un espacio de trabajo te brinda. Además, según sea el ramo en el que te desarrolles, es posible que necesites impresora, escáner o muebles para archivar información importante. Por otro lado, si tienes una vivienda pequeña, ten en cuenta que tener una oficina en casa afectará el espacio de todos, lo que afectará no solo tu comodidad, sino también la de ellos.




Why Business Professionals Want to Go Back to the Office?

By | Business, Industry

Being in the local business community you get to hear a lot of the current experiences other business owners are going through, what it’s like to work from home and run their business from what once was a comfortable, relaxing, end of your day spot.  I got to speak to a handful of business owners in the local Sugar Land community, one of them particularly is an accountant and I ask her, what it was to work from home and how did she feel about taking her professional life back to the office?  She came up with 2 challenges that I myself and some other business owners, all agreed were the same kind of struggles they were facing.

  1. Working from home is really a nightmare – the main reason to this statement was the amount of anxiety individuals face when working from home, we tend to play two or more roles in our lives and some of these roles can’t mix at all, sure we can be wives and husbands alongside being mothers and fathers but we cannot be a loving mother or father and at the same time a ruthless businessman or woman – although ruthless might be a little out of hand, you get my point.  This feeling of not being able to mix both roles in the same environment creates enormous anxiety among our family and colleagues – if you add as well the beautiful fact that our little angels are actually not little angels and we realize how assertive were the teachers – we were in denial the entire time!!!  Now we get to struggle with the not so little angels and the day-to-day professional challenges all in one place.  Sure we get to perhaps walk around in our pajamas for a little bit longer but is it worth all the other nightmares we are facing while playing mom or dad PLUS director of operations?
  2. The business’ capabilities are forcibly and significantly reduced – the second reason to why professionals can’t wait to get back to the office is to bring their business back to normal, having to take your business to a still-mode and taking your entire operations remotely not only creates a new way to adapt you and your employees but also your customer intake.  Many businesses get their business from actual customers visiting their office, socializing, and networking with these potential customers are the key to growing their business.  Plus, the collaboration between the team is crucial to growing the business as well, and let’s face it so little can be done behind a webcam.

I highly recommend checking out the workspaces at Business E Suites – they aren’t only affordable but accommodating to any business platform and the best part, you take it as you go, so if things go south again with the pandemic, you can always reduce your space intake and go month to month without long term agreements.