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11 Ways to REDUCE Home Office Anxiety

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The increase in remote work has made millions of people around the world adopt this modality to carry out their work and maintain productivity. However, the emotional and mental effects of a home office can cause stress, anxiety, and depression, which have also been on the rise.

Here are 11 ways to reduce anxiety when remote work is taking a toll on us physically and mentally:

  • Monitor your sleeping hours. Establish fixed times for sleeping and waking up, resting between seven and nine hours.
  • Do not use your bed for anything other than to rest. It is recommended not to work, watch television, eat, or read in your sleeping space.
  • Sunlight. Go out and get exposure, “sunbathe” or mentally clear yourself outside for at least 20 minutes a day. It also synchronizes our biological rhythms.
  • Avoid using screens or stimulating activities one hour before bedtime.
  • Establish fixed times for eating and physical activity.
  • Set fixed hours for work and family life. It includes placing limits on the interaction of messages on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp).
  • Have your own space to rest and clear your mind alone.
  • Have a stipulated space to work and use it only for that. If possible, the work area should be organized in a similar way to your office.
  • Use an ergonomic chair or comfortable office chair when sitting for long periods.
  • Complete work and take rest cycles during the working day. They can start with cycles of 20 minutes of work and three to five minutes of rest and extend them to average periods of 50 minutes of work and 10 minutes of rest.
  • Don’t avoid doing jobs that are “lazy” or uncomfortable. This can help you avoid procrastination or leaving everything to the very end.


Gradually and with discipline, your anxiety will begin to decrease, and will become a much more tolerable inconvenience.

6 Advantages of Working Remotely

By | Tips

Work routines have changed significantly, if not radically, over the past 2 years. That happened with numerous companies in all fields and places, and there was no other option but to adapt.

From this new way of working, we can highlight 6 advantages:

1. Talent loyalty.

Remote work has become a benefit that company collaborators appreciate. Their working conditions allow them to maintain both their employment and their attention to personal detail, which is fundamental. This benefit generates a sense of belonging and strengthens ties with the company they work for.

2. Staff training.

The advantages of virtuality have been put to the test and demonstrated with the maximum use of collaborators’ optimization of time, offering them tools for the best performance for their activities. This is learning without the obligation to move to a specific place, something comfortable and convenient.

3. Opening of job opportunities.

Companies can have “elements” located hundreds or thousands of kilometers away on their teams with this new way of working. On the part of collaborators, it is easier to have a profile that “fits” in the position offered in a distant place, but that represents professional growth.

4. Optimization of resources.

The demands in many businesses have changed, and getting the most out of resources by optimizing time and space is a factor that fosters and promotes productivity. Try it!

5. Flexibility and harmony.

The new schemes avoid time-wasting and encourage the search or approach of results. With remote work, collaborators feel somewhat autonomous and more productive. This small-big change promotes a balance between work and personal life that translates into better well-being.

6. Care for the economy.

Operating costs for companies (in many cases) have been reduced and have generated more convenient options. The impact on your finances is less when working from places designed for it.

Business E Suites allows you to enhance remote work. In addition, it offers what is necessary for the operation of your company with the new trends and facilities.


5 Reasons Why You NEED to Book a Conference Room for Your Next Virtual Meeting

By | Tips

Advantages of virtual meetings

The multiple advantages offered by video conferences have attracted the attention of many companies for years, in many cases SMEs, which communicate with clients and other professionals without leaving the office. In addition to this benefit, we find other great potentials of this type of technology that are interesting to analyze.

Cost reduction

One of the obvious benefits of using video conferencing and virtual meetings is the reduction in travel and travel costs. Undoubtedly, many meetings can be held remotely without the need to spend time or money traveling, something that any company values ​​positively and contributes directly to the income statement and productivity.

Greater number of communications

The convenience of using some of the video conferencing tools on the market means that any company can communicate with clients, partners, or suppliers in a very agile way. In turn, this allows the number of communications to be increased whenever necessary.

Better monitoring of projects with the client

Clients always value the follow-up we do on their projects or the professional relationships we have.
With virtual meetings, distance is not a problem to speak face to face frequently, with the client providing adequate follow-up and transmitting much proximity through virtual meetings. Without a doubt, it can become a great tool to build customer loyalty and improve customer satisfaction.

Better monitoring of projects with collaborators/employees

The same happens with the projects we carry out with company professionals relocated to places other than headquarters.
The possibility of meeting virtually with them through video conferencing solutions allows for a better relationship with the professional, a more adequate follow-up of the project, and a feeling of greater closeness to the project.

Greater agility in decision making

Usually, decision-making in a company takes place in a face-to-face meeting, since several people, partners, etc. must intervene.
The use of video calls and virtual meetings means business decisions can also be made.
The possibility of bringing together the executives or people involved in the decision in the same space is essential, so a firm agreement can be reached in an agile way than if we had to find a face-to-face meeting of all members, with displacements/trips, and more associated scheduling difficulties.

Main tools and functionalities

Year after year, the market offers better video conferencing tools and a greater number of functionalities for professional use. The best-known and longest-running program is Skype, which since 2003 has experienced exponential growth. Is widely used both at a private and business level.

The options have multiplied lately, and there is one for every need.

By reserving a conference room, the benefits are potentiated, and the development of the meetings flows better.



Tips and tools to be more productive

By | Tips

Many of us have a list of things to do (to-do list), but just because it’s on the list, it doesn’t mean it will get done. Ideally, you do it all at once. David Allen in “The Two-Minute Rule,” suggests anything that can be done in less than two minutes should be done all at once, rather than added to the to-do list.

There are 5 basic decisions to be made when something new arrives:

  • Do your homework on the task as soon as it arrives
  • Delegate this task to someone more prepared or with more time
  • Put it on schedule to do it later
  • Archive it to get to this at another time
  • Delete it and forget about it

Other things we can do to be more productive are:

  • Eliminate distractions
  • Combine the same tasks to do them all at once. You can’t be productive if you switch from task to task all day. It is most convenient to group the tasks.
  • Identify priorities
  • Learn to say no

To get tasks done, there are several tools we can use to help us be more productive:

1) Wunderlist: It’s synchronized on all devices (computer, iPad, cell phone) and you have access to everything everywhere. It can be a notepad and organizer where completed tasks are marked. It helps to know the degree of productivity in a day.

2) Evernote: You can save everything digitally and have quick access. Saves time searching for annotations.

3) Text Expander: This is another tool that can save you a lot of time because it gives you instant access to your resources.

4) Alarm: This tool can give you a period to perform tasks and assign the appropriate time for each one.

6 reasons to join a coworking space

By | Tips

The new normality has led us to integrate into different spaces between a mix of the conventional way and the remote way. Many companies have chosen to leave their facilities to operate from shared, versatile spaces with the potential to make the most out of them.

In these types of spaces, the importance of feeling part of a community should not be underestimated, while operations are carried out safely and efficiently.

These may be reasons to join coworking:

  1. Spaces designed for your well-being. Due to the pandemic, working conditions have changed radically. Coworking spaces are designed for the well-being of users. From the distribution of spaces and furniture to the environments, they allow you to work comfortably, improve productivity, answer calls, and have meetings and places to rest.
  2. Encourage innovation. The difficulties of holding virtual meetings can occur unexpectedly. Therefore, having a suitable place is critical for innovation. The exchange of opinions between colleagues is stimulating to propose diverse ideas and improve teamwork.
  3. Allow collaboration. Precisely, collaboration is one of the foundations of the creation of coworking. From this foundation, benefits are derived for the projects of the work teams, since contacts in other industries are established and increased due to co-existence in one place, the so-called networking.
  4. Cyber ​​security. Home connectivity has security gaps and leaves users unprotected. There are contingency measures against potential threats of theft or vulnerability of confidential information in coworking spaces.
  5. Offer focus and commitment. Being in an office avoids the blurring of efforts and attention at work. It is the place where work-life is separated from the domestic life and organizational culture is built, where the values ​​of the company are reinforced.
  6. Savings. By optimizing costs in coworking, the costs of renting or buying places and the payment of services for the operation of the companies are avoided. It is not only saving money but also time and other efforts.

It is now that remote work and coworking show that they are complementary activities.


4 inspiring phrases from impact entrepreneurs

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It does not matter what phase your company is in; there are some highly inspiring examples to follow that can be emulated.

Just like you, some of these people were also entrepreneurs with a goal in mind, which perhaps seemed far away.

They share their way of thinking with those who want to reach the top.

  1. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to lose it.” —Jeff Bezos
    The Amazon CEO was clear about how important it is to build strong relationships with your customers and the environment. From the first phase of business growth, focus on being one of the companies that the world expects. Grow according to your corporate values and don’t deviate from them. Everyone makes mistakes, but how they’re resolved is what will stick in people’s minds.
  2. “It’s okay to celebrate success, but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure.” —Bill Gates
    As you have seen, business growth requires several complex phases that require a lot of nerve, effort, patience, and intelligence to complete. Going up is a great success: celebrate it, but as the tycoon says, don’t just focus on it. Analyze how your journey went, the things you did well, and the things you can improve in the coming stages.
  3. “I always did something I wasn’t ready for. I think that’s the way to grow up.” — Marissa Mayer
    Entrepreneur and IT specialist Marissa Mayer, a former Google employee (number 20, to be exact), CEO of Yahoo! and founder of Lumi Labs, invites you to seek growth despite not having safe bets. You can overcome the fear of failure and “not measuring up” only when you still decide to do things.
  4. “Constant growth is the best survival mechanism” —Amancio Ortega
    The growth of your company will give you the engine to continue accomplishing more and more achievements. As you grow, your skills and knowledge increase. This is shaping you as a wiser and more expert person in making strategic decisions. This experience will help you grow and face adversity in the environment of your company.

Business growth has many aspects and depends exclusively on the needs of your company, knowing where you want to go and how to go about it. Perhaps your constant goal is customer acquisition; but, as you advance in your stages of business growth, you’ll have more and more needs to solve.

Markets are different and can be uncertain; though, with a business growth plan designed from a clear vision, you’ll be able to diversify your products or services and identify your opportunities and weaknesses to face the obstacles that may appear.

Rule 80/20 for productivity

By | Tips

How to be more productive with the 80/20 rule


The 80/20 rule refers to a phenomenon that states that approximately 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions. In other words, a small percentage of causes have a huge effect. This concept is great, because it can help identify which initiatives you need to prioritize to achieve the greatest impact.

Vilfredo Federico Pareto, an Italian economist and philosopher, noted that 80% of the land in Italy was held by only 20% of the people. The same was true for the plants in his garden, since 80% of the fruit was grown by 20% of his plants.

This is a pervasive phenomenon that can be seen in economics, business, time management, and even sports… in just about every walk of life.

This rule can be useful for prioritizing daily tasks.

The purpose is to complete 20% of the daily tasks and achieve 80% of the impact that can be generated on that day. To achieve better results, it’s important to highlight which are the tasks with the greatest impact on the work crew and focus on them.

Also, with the 80/20 rule, you can make better decisions during the troubleshooting process. This is the process:

  • Identify equipment problems; that is, those that are to be resolved with this decision-making process.
  • Determine the causes of these problems. By questioning the origin of problems, it is easier to find possible solutions.
  • Classify problems into related groups. It could turn out that one solution is being used on several of them.
  • Assign a value to each problem based on its impact on the business. This can indicate importance.
  • Develop a plan to focus on issues that occur in the top 20%. The idea is that a solution can solve several problems. Based on the values assigned to each, it will be calculated which ones are in the top 20%. The 80/20 rule can also help increase metrics in less time by prioritizing initiatives in the right order.
  • Clear priorities.
  • Greater daily productivity.
  • Ability to divide work into groups of simpler tasks.
  • More focused strategy.

The goal is to focus effort on a specific aspect of the job for greater impact. 100% effort must be used in that 20% to achieve 80% of the results

How to Build a Strong In-House Marketing Machine for Your Small Business

By | Tips

Whether you plan to launch your first small business or have been running one for many years, implementing an effective marketing strategy has never been more critical. As the business landscape continues to evolve and marketing trends change, it’s up to you to stay on top of the strategies, channels, and messaging you use. If you want to improve your company’s marketing efforts, this crash course can help you lay a firm foundation!

The Strategies                        

Effectively marketing your business will require you to create and execute various little strategies that makeup one overarching marketing strategy. Much of your plan will factor in the channels and messaging you utilize as a brand, which we will discuss in more detail below.

A good place to start is by defining your goals, even if it means redefining the ones you already have in place. You should also ensure you have a unique selling proposition (USP) and a new method for demonstrating how your product or service stands out from the crowd.

Furthermore, it can help to define your target audience and create a customer profile. Knowing your target market will help you develop a strategy that accommodates your goals. And, of course, you will need to do plenty of market research to get an idea of what your target customers are looking for.

The Channels

There’s no shortage of channels through which to roll out your marketing strategy. To keep up with the business landscape today, you must consider using online and offline marketing channels. Sure, most of your marketing efforts will likely stream through online channels like social media, email marketing, content marketing, PPC, and SEO. These are critical for remaining relevant in today’s world, and you must learn how to implement these practices best in-house.

Be sure to use an image size converter for your various marketing images. You will likely use several versions of the same image throughout your various marketing channels, so having the access to the tools to resize them yourself is a major convenience.

Offline channels refer to more traditional means of promoting your brand, which might include posting ads on billboards and telephone poles around town. Or, it might consist of leaving business cards and brochures on community bulletin boards at restaurants and coffee shops. Moreover, word-of-mouth advertising remains one of the most effective ways to build your brand identity, which requires you to maintain top-notch customer service and quality.

The Messaging

Once you know what channels you want to use as a business, craft your marketing message to represent your brand through your content. Your message essentially refers to the words and content in your marketing materials that persuade people to choose your company.

Your brand must have a specific and unique voice that distinguishes you from your competitors. And your messaging needs to coincide with your selected channels and the needs of your target customers.

To develop the appropriate messaging, you need to understand your audience’s problems and craft concise, catchy content that speaks to solutions for those problems. Try to avoid sounding too “salesy” or using too much industry jargon; all of your content should utilize familiar, casual language while still establishing your expertise in the industry.

Evaluating Your Marketing Success

Finally, you must understand how to assess your marketing success to determine how to adjust your strategy in the future. The best method is to evaluate your marketing outcomes instead of your results.

While results refer to social media statistics, website traffic, lead sources, and similar factors, outcomes are defined by the sales, revenue, customer satisfaction, returns, and customer lifetime value that stem from your marketing efforts. Learn to measure the outcomes, and you will have valuable information for making critical decisions for the future.

Whether you run an audio-video business or any other type of company, marketing is critical to your overall success. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the strategies, channels, and messaging your team should implement, and consider the advice above for planning your company’s marketing efforts. In no time, you will see excellent outcomes from the extra time and energy you put into promoting your brand!

Visit Business E Suites for affordable move-in-ready office space that will boost your team’s productivity. Call 281-862-3150 to schedule a tour today!

4 Tips to “Expand” your Office

By | Business

It is common for growing businesses to begin working in small offices as they continue to grow and expand. However, this should not be a limitation and should not make the workspace uncomfortable. There are a number of ways to play with perception and decor to create comfortable and harmonious surroundings.

These ideas can be helpful to completely outfit an office and enjoy every corner.

  1. Use foldable or stackable furnishings. This is a great way to make the most of spaces. Movable, easy-to-move chairs and tables can benefit from transforming workspaces and enabling the area to be used for other activities.
  2. Integral furniture integration. There are furniture items that optimize space, such as chairs with built-in desks that can be very useful for staff training or onboarding steps. This is an effective use of your imagination.
  3. Choose desks with integrated storage and drawers. There are tables of optimal size for the office that offer storage for the occupants without having to pile up paper or work material. It provides a sense of order and more space in an office.
  4. Creativity in interior design. Without the need to use walls that divide office space, there are low-cost alternatives such as acrylic or glass walls that give a sense of space. As well, the acoustics are unaffected. There are also artificial plants that decorate the walls and please the sight of the place.

These four tips are just some of the ideas that can make your stay at the office enjoyable and encourage productivity and a good mood.

Co-working = Creativity + Networking

By | Industry

We offer a creative work environment with a unique entrepreneurial spirit.  Co-working allows you to meet professionals from different backgrounds and work with them in the same workspace.  Keep in mind, that when you work in a co-working space; you interact with the community, attend events, and acquire new contacts.

Networking is essential in a co-working environment to connect with the community, have quality conversations, and build your contact list.  Networking is a technique that is used to increase the current network of contacts and get new ones to increase the volume of your business. Networking will help you get innovative ideas and solutions, since knowing the point of view of other professionals will open up new horizons for you.

Being in contact with people who work in different areas allows you to focus on things from other perspectives. It also helps you get out of your comfort zone and enhances your most creative side, encouraging the creation of innovative solutions/ideas.

To answer the question of whether coworking enhances/increases your creativity, it is necessary that we first see the advantages and benefits it brings us:

  • Increases productivity and concentration. A person is focused on their goals since they don’t have distractions at home. A co-working space inspires you to work.
  • It will increase your client list. You’ll get new contacts and clients because your business will be known.
  • By creating synergies between the members of the community, communication is enhanced, and innovative ideas arise from there.
  • Improve your social life. As a general rule, those who work at home tend to have little social life, and working in a co-working space with other professionals and attending community events, will allow you to meet new people and come out of your shell.
  • Your finances will thank you. Office or business center rental prices are excessive. On the other hand, renting a flexible or fixed space in a co-working atmosphere is much more profitable and you won’t have to worry about paying anything else, but your rent, since everything else is included.
  • It will increase your motivation because working away from home, will help you create a work routine.
  • One of the most valued benefits is that in a co-working space, new and innovative ideas are brought up due to the interaction with other coworkers. Communication between the community favors the exchange of knowledge and that is because in a community we have professionals from different fields who will contribute their knowledge and their points of view.
  • Without a doubt, another one of the most notable benefits is that a co-working space brings us increased creativity.

These results show us that co-workers feel more inspired because connecting and having conversations with other members of the community, inspire a different approach to the project, therefore showing us the importance, a co-working space brings to us.  Interacting with each other increases productivity, establishes collaborations, and opens up a whole new world full of professional possibilities.