

6 reasons to join a coworking space

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The new normality has led us to integrate into different spaces between a mix of the conventional way and the remote way. Many companies have chosen to leave their facilities to operate from shared, versatile spaces with the potential to make the most out of them.

In these types of spaces, the importance of feeling part of a community should not be underestimated, while operations are carried out safely and efficiently.

These may be reasons to join coworking:

  1. Spaces designed for your well-being. Due to the pandemic, working conditions have changed radically. Coworking spaces are designed for the well-being of users. From the distribution of spaces and furniture to the environments, they allow you to work comfortably, improve productivity, answer calls, and have meetings and places to rest.
  2. Encourage innovation. The difficulties of holding virtual meetings can occur unexpectedly. Therefore, having a suitable place is critical for innovation. The exchange of opinions between colleagues is stimulating to propose diverse ideas and improve teamwork.
  3. Allow collaboration. Precisely, collaboration is one of the foundations of the creation of coworking. From this foundation, benefits are derived for the projects of the work teams, since contacts in other industries are established and increased due to co-existence in one place, the so-called networking.
  4. Cyber ​​security. Home connectivity has security gaps and leaves users unprotected. There are contingency measures against potential threats of theft or vulnerability of confidential information in coworking spaces.
  5. Offer focus and commitment. Being in an office avoids the blurring of efforts and attention at work. It is the place where work-life is separated from the domestic life and organizational culture is built, where the values ​​of the company are reinforced.
  6. Savings. By optimizing costs in coworking, the costs of renting or buying places and the payment of services for the operation of the companies are avoided. It is not only saving money but also time and other efforts.

It is now that remote work and coworking show that they are complementary activities.


4 inspiring phrases from impact entrepreneurs

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It does not matter what phase your company is in; there are some highly inspiring examples to follow that can be emulated.

Just like you, some of these people were also entrepreneurs with a goal in mind, which perhaps seemed far away.

They share their way of thinking with those who want to reach the top.

  1. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to lose it.” —Jeff Bezos
    The Amazon CEO was clear about how important it is to build strong relationships with your customers and the environment. From the first phase of business growth, focus on being one of the companies that the world expects. Grow according to your corporate values and don’t deviate from them. Everyone makes mistakes, but how they’re resolved is what will stick in people’s minds.
  2. “It’s okay to celebrate success, but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure.” —Bill Gates
    As you have seen, business growth requires several complex phases that require a lot of nerve, effort, patience, and intelligence to complete. Going up is a great success: celebrate it, but as the tycoon says, don’t just focus on it. Analyze how your journey went, the things you did well, and the things you can improve in the coming stages.
  3. “I always did something I wasn’t ready for. I think that’s the way to grow up.” — Marissa Mayer
    Entrepreneur and IT specialist Marissa Mayer, a former Google employee (number 20, to be exact), CEO of Yahoo! and founder of Lumi Labs, invites you to seek growth despite not having safe bets. You can overcome the fear of failure and “not measuring up” only when you still decide to do things.
  4. “Constant growth is the best survival mechanism” —Amancio Ortega
    The growth of your company will give you the engine to continue accomplishing more and more achievements. As you grow, your skills and knowledge increase. This is shaping you as a wiser and more expert person in making strategic decisions. This experience will help you grow and face adversity in the environment of your company.

Business growth has many aspects and depends exclusively on the needs of your company, knowing where you want to go and how to go about it. Perhaps your constant goal is customer acquisition; but, as you advance in your stages of business growth, you’ll have more and more needs to solve.

Markets are different and can be uncertain; though, with a business growth plan designed from a clear vision, you’ll be able to diversify your products or services and identify your opportunities and weaknesses to face the obstacles that may appear.

Rule 80/20 for productivity

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How to be more productive with the 80/20 rule


The 80/20 rule refers to a phenomenon that states that approximately 80% of the results come from 20% of the actions. In other words, a small percentage of causes have a huge effect. This concept is great, because it can help identify which initiatives you need to prioritize to achieve the greatest impact.

Vilfredo Federico Pareto, an Italian economist and philosopher, noted that 80% of the land in Italy was held by only 20% of the people. The same was true for the plants in his garden, since 80% of the fruit was grown by 20% of his plants.

This is a pervasive phenomenon that can be seen in economics, business, time management, and even sports… in just about every walk of life.

This rule can be useful for prioritizing daily tasks.

The purpose is to complete 20% of the daily tasks and achieve 80% of the impact that can be generated on that day. To achieve better results, it’s important to highlight which are the tasks with the greatest impact on the work crew and focus on them.

Also, with the 80/20 rule, you can make better decisions during the troubleshooting process. This is the process:

  • Identify equipment problems; that is, those that are to be resolved with this decision-making process.
  • Determine the causes of these problems. By questioning the origin of problems, it is easier to find possible solutions.
  • Classify problems into related groups. It could turn out that one solution is being used on several of them.
  • Assign a value to each problem based on its impact on the business. This can indicate importance.
  • Develop a plan to focus on issues that occur in the top 20%. The idea is that a solution can solve several problems. Based on the values assigned to each, it will be calculated which ones are in the top 20%. The 80/20 rule can also help increase metrics in less time by prioritizing initiatives in the right order.
  • Clear priorities.
  • Greater daily productivity.
  • Ability to divide work into groups of simpler tasks.
  • More focused strategy.

The goal is to focus effort on a specific aspect of the job for greater impact. 100% effort must be used in that 20% to achieve 80% of the results

How to Build a Strong In-House Marketing Machine for Your Small Business

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Whether you plan to launch your first small business or have been running one for many years, implementing an effective marketing strategy has never been more critical. As the business landscape continues to evolve and marketing trends change, it’s up to you to stay on top of the strategies, channels, and messaging you use. If you want to improve your company’s marketing efforts, this crash course can help you lay a firm foundation!

The Strategies                        

Effectively marketing your business will require you to create and execute various little strategies that makeup one overarching marketing strategy. Much of your plan will factor in the channels and messaging you utilize as a brand, which we will discuss in more detail below.

A good place to start is by defining your goals, even if it means redefining the ones you already have in place. You should also ensure you have a unique selling proposition (USP) and a new method for demonstrating how your product or service stands out from the crowd.

Furthermore, it can help to define your target audience and create a customer profile. Knowing your target market will help you develop a strategy that accommodates your goals. And, of course, you will need to do plenty of market research to get an idea of what your target customers are looking for.

The Channels

There’s no shortage of channels through which to roll out your marketing strategy. To keep up with the business landscape today, you must consider using online and offline marketing channels. Sure, most of your marketing efforts will likely stream through online channels like social media, email marketing, content marketing, PPC, and SEO. These are critical for remaining relevant in today’s world, and you must learn how to implement these practices best in-house.

Be sure to use an image size converter for your various marketing images. You will likely use several versions of the same image throughout your various marketing channels, so having the access to the tools to resize them yourself is a major convenience.

Offline channels refer to more traditional means of promoting your brand, which might include posting ads on billboards and telephone poles around town. Or, it might consist of leaving business cards and brochures on community bulletin boards at restaurants and coffee shops. Moreover, word-of-mouth advertising remains one of the most effective ways to build your brand identity, which requires you to maintain top-notch customer service and quality.

The Messaging

Once you know what channels you want to use as a business, craft your marketing message to represent your brand through your content. Your message essentially refers to the words and content in your marketing materials that persuade people to choose your company.

Your brand must have a specific and unique voice that distinguishes you from your competitors. And your messaging needs to coincide with your selected channels and the needs of your target customers.

To develop the appropriate messaging, you need to understand your audience’s problems and craft concise, catchy content that speaks to solutions for those problems. Try to avoid sounding too “salesy” or using too much industry jargon; all of your content should utilize familiar, casual language while still establishing your expertise in the industry.

Evaluating Your Marketing Success

Finally, you must understand how to assess your marketing success to determine how to adjust your strategy in the future. The best method is to evaluate your marketing outcomes instead of your results.

While results refer to social media statistics, website traffic, lead sources, and similar factors, outcomes are defined by the sales, revenue, customer satisfaction, returns, and customer lifetime value that stem from your marketing efforts. Learn to measure the outcomes, and you will have valuable information for making critical decisions for the future.

Whether you run an audio-video business or any other type of company, marketing is critical to your overall success. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the strategies, channels, and messaging your team should implement, and consider the advice above for planning your company’s marketing efforts. In no time, you will see excellent outcomes from the extra time and energy you put into promoting your brand!

Visit Business E Suites for affordable move-in-ready office space that will boost your team’s productivity. Call 281-862-3150 to schedule a tour today!

Pomodoro Technique: Is it good for your productivity?

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The internet has made our dream come true: we are in charge of our productivity. And it doesn’t matter if you are an employee, a freelancer, or an entrepreneur. You have to be good at managing your time. One very popular way to do it is through the Pomodoro Technique. But how does it work?

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is an approach to managing your working time. It’s all about finding a balance between periods of intense activity and short breaks. Downtimes are important to relax a bit, keep your mind clear, and then get back to work. This way, when you’re active you will be fresh and effective.

Its origins date back to the late 1980s. Francesco Cirillo, a college student, implemented it with a tomato-shaped kitchen timer. The Italian word “Pomodoro” refers to a sauce made from tomatoes.

How does the Pomodoro Technique work?

The Pomodoro technique is very simple. You need a timer, a piece of paper, a pen, and a great desire to organize your time.

First, write the tasks that you want to complete. This can be a simple “to do” list. Next, divide your work session into 25-minute productivity periods. You will call them “Pomodoros”. Avoid all distractions!

Between each Pomodoro, take a 5-minute break. This is will allow you to clear your mind. Every four Pomodoros take a longer break of 20 minutes.

Your goal is to give your total attention to a single task. Thus, interruptions are not allowed. If an unforeseen issue demands your attention, you can write it down to take care of it during the next Pomodoro. If you MUST take care of it, cancel the Pomodoro and start again later.

At the end of each Pomodoro, cross off the tasks you have completed. Add any comments you feel are necessary. Later, this will allow you to reflect on your productivity.

Is the Pomodoro Technique effective?

The Pomodoro Technique can help you to maintain mental agility thanks to its breaks. Also, when you avoid multitasking, you can finish your work with effectiveness.

The 25 minute periods are recommendations. Everybody is different, and you may find that longer or shorter Pomodoros work better for you.

Some people feel that the Pomodoro Technique can discourage teamwork. One proposed solution is the “Pair Pomodoro”. This is the application of the approach with two people working together for the same goal. This reduces interruptions and increases creativity and satisfaction.

The Bottom Line

The usefulness of the Pomodoro Technique varies depending on the type of work you are going to do. Certain tasks allow you to work on your own time. Others demand that you respond to various stimuli one after the other.

The Pomodoro Technique is not a cure-all solution. Some people work as freelancers, entrepreneurs, employees, or even artists. Try it and find what works best for you.

5 Time-Saving Apps Every Small Business Owner or Entrepreneur Should Use

By | Business, Tips

Business E Suites provides productive office space and workspace to establish your business in a professional environment. Reach out to us today to find out more! 281-862-3150

Image Source: Unsplash

Starting and building a business is not easy, but most of the time, technology can help make things possible. Today, there are more than three million apps in the app store, making finding practical and helpful applications extremely difficult, especially for entrepreneurs who tend to work long hours and don’t have much time to lose. Business E Suites shares a list of the top five apps entrepreneurs and business owners can use to simplify their lives, have more free time, and work more efficiently.

On-the-Go Handlings

Evernote is a powerful and valuable app for on-the-go note-taking, idea-sharing, and organization for any modern entrepreneur. Whether you’re handling your to-do list, saving a webpage, or planning a trip, this app is user-friendly and syncs across all your devices, including your company’s desktop. You can also verbally dictate notes, bookmark, and save photos to keep your devices organized and the folders easy to access.

Communication at Its Easiest

Even though it’s an easy and convenient way to communicate with your staff and customers, email can take up massive amounts of time, especially if several people at your company have access to a business-wide inbox. Front is a multi-channel inbox that stores email accounts and, optionally, social media accounts. In addition, the app allows you to also access private and shared emails in the same place, saving you from opening and looking at a few interfaces simultaneously or logging into several different websites.

And when it comes to communicating to your customer base via social media, posting and tracking Instagram stories is simplified and streamlined by using Adobe’s Instagram story template library. This tool makes quick work of a story design that the world will see, graphically appealing and tailored to your unique brand and message. You can upload your own images or use the rich stock photography and graphics for inspiration and use for free.

Payroll and Profit Tracking

Payroll and accounting software like Gusto and QuickBooks offer numerous tools to make running a business easier, including features that help you streamline team management, handle payroll, and get real-time insights into your business’s profitability and expenses. With this software, you’ll be able to easily view available resources and billable hours, along with customizing invoices and tracking revenue streams and trends.

What’s better, the software also has a mobile app so you run your business on the go. Even with an accountant, investing in this software can help reduce the time it takes for you to collect W-4s, calculate and withhold income taxes, and pay taxes for your staff.

Tracking Business Expenses

Unless your company is accounting or finance-related, you probably have a hard time keeping track of your business receipts and expenses. Expensify is an excellent timesaving application for this – it takes most of the hurdle out of the way by allowing you to snap a picture of a receipt and then upload it to your account. The tool fills in the expense details, places the receipt next to the associated credit card account, and shares the data with your accounting program.

Social Media Management

Lyfe Marketing notes that social media has quickly become one of the most crucial tools small business owners and entrepreneurs use to promote their ventures. The only issue is, managing social media across several platforms can become time-consuming and exhausting. This is where Hootsuite comes to help.

​The app allows you to handle your LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, and other accounts through one dashboard. Hootsuite enables you to schedule and manage posts, tweets, and messages via the interface – it’s like having a professional social media manager working at all times. The tool also provides you with basic reporting abilities for free, with complex reports offered in exchange for a small sum.

The Bottom Line

Technology now helps small businesses and entrepreneurs maximize their time so they can be more productive and efficient. From handling their notes on the go to managing the payroll system and tracking business expenses, there are numerous ways to leverage small business technology.




Accessibility Apps That Will Help You Shine in Your Career

By | Industry, Tips

Image courtesy of Unsplash

Article by: Lance Cody-Valdez

According to the CDC, one in four adults lives with some kind of disability. The CDC also reports that the percentage of disabled adults increases as income decreases. If you were just to go off these stats, it’s easy to assume that a disability means that you can’t find the same professional success as someone without a disability.

But this is just not the case. People with disabilities are no less capable than those without, and for some, it may mean doing things a different way, or getting help from an adaptive device. Thankfully, there are tech tools and gadgets galore to help. Read on for a few highlights from Business E Suites.

The right tool for the job

Whether you’re looking for a new job or trying to advance in your current job, having the right tools for the job is key. In the professional field, this means having a high quality, up-to-date phone, and some are more helpful to those with disabilities than others.

As an example, Apple explains all iPhones are loaded with helpful accessibility features, such as hearing assistance and voice controlled navigation. The iPhone 12 Pro Max even has ultra quick facial recognition to unlock your phone, a big, crystal-clear display, and all the power, memory, and battery life you require to run helpful apps. For Android lovers,Tom’s Guide notes the Google Pixel 4 XL has a large screen, making it easier to see small text, and it has motion detection to help you unlock it.

Contemplate what features will be useful, then load your phone up with the appropriate apps to help you reach your goals.

A reliable charger is as important as the phone itself. Even better, wireless charging offers several benefits over the traditional plug-ins. Some of the reasons wireless chargers have grown in popularity include the ability to “drop and go” – instead of fumbling with cords and adaptors, users simply set their cell on the charger’s surface. There’s also the added safety factor: The risk of electric shock is eliminated, as is the chance of data piracy by not needing to plug into public USB chargers.

Apps that help you see

If you are blind or have poor vision, there are many apps that can help you learn more about your surroundings. Read on to learn more.

Seeing AI

Seeing AI is an app designed by Microsoft. It’s an incredibly advanced app that helps people who are visually impaired. Unlike some apps that can only read texts, Seeing AI can read documents, identify currency, and even recognize faces. But there’s more. Seeing AI can describe color, brightness, and the scene around you.

Be My Eyes

Be My Eyes is similar to Seeing AI, except this app relies on seeing volunteers. What this means is you can take a video and ask the Be My Eyes community to tell you what they see or how to complete a task. For example, if you need to change the settings on your printer or reset your router, all you have to do is take a video and have the volunteers you guide you through your task.

Apps that help you communicate

Communication is an essential component of being successful in the workplace. But for someone who is hearing impaired or has difficulty speaking, communication can be a challenge. These apps can help.

Dragon Anywhere

Dragon Anywhere is a great app for people who have difficulty hearing, as it’s an efficient, easy-to-use dictation app. The way it works is, your phone listens to what it hears, and translates the audio into written text. The app is great for one-on-one communication. Because it is not specifically designed as a communication tool, it can be used for other tasks as well. If you have difficulty typing or seeing, Dragon Anywhere can help you create emails, presentations, or letters.


Ava is another app that can help people who are hard of hearing. The difference between Ava and Dragon Anywhere is that Ava is specifically designed for accessibility. The great thing about Ava is it works in a group environment. Simply have members of the groups scan the apps QR code and their speech will be dictated into your phone and separated by speaker, allowing you to easily follow the conversation.

Having a disability doesn’t have to limit what you can achieve in the workplace. There are many great apps that are designed to help people see, hear and communicate, and newer phones have features to assist you as well. Thanks to technology, your career can blossom.

Are you working remotely in the Sugar Land area? Business E Suites offers a variety of spaces to accommodate your needs, whether your ideal environment is a co-working area, private office, or meeting workspace. Contact us to learn about our offerings or to schedule a tour!


Tips to Optimize Your Ranking in Google

By | Business, Tips

Tips to Optimize Your Ranking in Google by Ahava Marketing.

You may think you need to be an engineer or an expert in web development to optimize your Google Ranking, but, I have good news for you. There are simple adjustments that will help the search engines rank your site higher.

Find the right keywords
The first thing you need to know is what keywords you would like to use to rank in Google, which means in what searches you will like your site to appear. Make sure you think the same way the users do, don’t be too technical. Try to use common sense keywords, for example; if your business is a restaurant for Mexican food in Sugar Land, do not try to use phrases like authentic Mexican food in Sugar Land, but use instead best Mexican food in Sugar, that’s how the users will look for the product or service.

Use the right Titles
When developing a section for your site make sure you use the right title for each page, for example, instead of using the title About Us you can use About Business E Suites, giving branding to the page and context to the search engine.

Name your Keywords in the first paragraph
Your home page’s first phrase should be used with the H1 title and using the keywords you are using to rank, for example; Best Mexican Food in Sugar Land or Indoor Pool Installation in Houston. This tire is the most important part doe the search engines use H1 and H2 formats
Make sure you use the right format for each part, do not abuse the use of H1 titles, instead use H2 or H3 and paragraphs <p> for long content.

Use good Content 
A simple phrase is not enough for search engines to understand your website, be aware that Google understands full paragraphs, use long sentences and use the keywords in the content.“Come and join us at Escalante’s to enjoy the best Mexican food in Sugar Land, we offer a wide menu and great prices” This paragraph provides users great context, great information and includes relevant keywords and words like prices and menu, therefore, it’s related to the food industry.

Create a Site Map
Make sure you create a site map, an XML file that can be read by the search engine robots, once you have it, go into Google Search Console and submit it to them and your site will be ready to rank higher. SEO requires time and dedication and is not something that reflects results immediately. Make sure you check monthly your rank by searching those meet words and phrases to check the progress.


If you have any questions or need a free consultation – reach out at


Texas is Re-Opening at 100%, is Your Business Ready?

By | Industry, Tips

As the weather gets warmer and Summer approaches quickly, Texas businesses are opening back up at a rapid pace. Consumers have been cautiously saving their money for the past year, but now cash is starting to flow back into the community as people begin to travel and spend discretionary income once again.

Is your business ready for an influx of new customers? Many owners have had to trim back staff and inventory due to decreased capacity and spending throughout much of 2020. Consumer spending has started to rebound though, with multiple states opening. Consumer Spending in the United States increased to 12999.10 USD Billion in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 12924.72 USD Billion in the third quarter of 2020 (source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis).

If you traveled for Spring Break this year, then you may have seen some of the signs of rising spending: full flights at the airports, long lines at retail stores, longer waits for restaurant seating, and the return of a vibrant nightlife scene with packed bars and clubs.

You might have also noticed that some of these businesses were not prepared to handle the influx of customers, having to turn them away or due to being understaffed or out of stock of certain items. At a time when small businesses are struggling, nobody can afford to turn away customers. Make sure you are prepared to handle any sudden surges.  Do not go overboard and buy too much inventory or hire lots of new full-time staff, but make sure you have plans in place should the need arise. Here are some helpful tips for preparing for a busy summer as Texas opens back up completely.

  1. Start posting job openings online and around town – You don’t have to hire anyone right away, but start building a network of quality candidates that you can call on when the time comes for you to increase your staff. You want to avoid being desperate for help and having to settle for subpar employees. As other businesses are re-opening too, the talent pool will dry up quickly. So, get your name out there and start lining up candidates now and stay ahead of the competition.
  2. Begin selectively increasing inventory – Gas prices are rising which means transportation costs for good will be increasing. Now is a good time to start strategically stocking up on non-perishable products that you know will have a high demand as we get into the summer months. Look into securing additional storage or warehouse space so that you won’t be scrambling to find room once demand increases. If you deal in perishables, see if there is affordable refrigerated or freezer storage in the area. Even if you do not need it right now, be prepared should the need arise quickly.
  3. Ramp up marketing campaigns – Marketing expenses are often one of the first areas that owners and managers will cut back when times are lean. As consumers start looking to spend their cash, make sure your company is at the forefront of their consciousness. Digital marketing such as Google or Facebook ads are an easy way to advertise with any size budget. Start small and target certain groups of consumers, then widen your net as you start to see an uptick in interactions. Make sure everyone knows that you are open for business!

Just by following these small tips, you can make a world of difference for your small business and ensure that you are ready as Texas opens and businesses start to see increased traffic.

If you found this article helpful, then we think you would love being a part of our community at Business E Suites. We are home to over 50 local businesses in the Sugar Land area, and we hold regular events and workshops that help entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to succeed. Come and see us and learn how we can help take your business to new heights!



Work From Everywhere: Here’s How to Succeed as a Digital Nomad

By | Industry, Tips

This article is brought to you by Business E Suites.

Once upon a time, hopeful travelers had to choose between exploring the world and maintaining a career. These days, however, remote work has made life as a digital nomad possible —  meaning, you can do the work you love and travel where you’d like all at once. This is a phenomenal way to live life on your own terms, but it’s one that requires some serious forethought. Here are some tips for how to make this lifestyle work for you:

Market Yourself as a Business

Finding a staff position at a company that allows for the digital nomad lifestyle is far from impossible, but it will be challenging. That’s why many people who go this route prefer to work as contract employees. This puts you in charge of your own schedule and workload, which can make it far easier to enjoy the places you visit on your travels. Moreover, it can make moving from place to place simpler since you won’t have to negotiate time off every time you want to wander.

That said, if you go this route, it’s important to treat yourself as a small business. Depending on what kind of work you’re doing, you may be taking on legal and financial risks if you work as a sole proprietor. Forming a limited liability company, or LLC, creates a legal barrier between your personal and professional assets. This kind of protection can offer invaluable peace of mind.

Stay Organized

One of the biggest challenges facing digital nomads is keeping their work organized. This is hard enough to manage for self-employed people and remote workers in general, but add the inherent instability of travel into the mix, and it gets a whole lot trickier. That’s why it’s so important to foster a reliable organizational method you can use to keep your work on track.

There are several approaches you can take to this. For example, there are many different types of task-management programs that can sync between several devices. This can make keeping track of tasks and deadlines possible when you’re frequently transitioning between your phone and laptop while on the go. You can also use a physical planner or bullet journal system to keep your tasks organized. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution here, so try out several approaches until you find one that’s best for you.

Where to Work?

Life as a digital nomad means you can take your work on the go, but this does mean you have to keep your itinerary filled with destinations with a reliable internet connection. Many hotels and vacation rentals come with WiFi — be sure to check the booking information thoroughly to make sure you know if internet access is included in the price.

If your temporary home doesn’t have internet access, you can often find restaurants and coffee shops that do. It’s important to follow etiquette when using these kinds of establishments as workspaces, however. Be sure to pick up a drink or food item, tip well, and avoid lingering during busy times whenever possible.

Finally, you may be able to find coworking spaces on your journey. A coworking space can be especially useful if you’re spending a month or more in a single area. Business E Suites offers memberships that you can use throughout your whole stay. Coworking spaces don’t just offer internet access — they also give you access to a desk, a quiet space, and amenities that can make your workday substantially more pleasant.

Although this work style isn’t right for everyone, it can make exploring the world feasible for people who don’t already have the funds to sustain long-term travel — or who aren’t willing to sacrifice their careers along the way. We hope this article helps you to figure out whether or not you’d like to dive into the digital nomad life and, if so, how to make it happen.

Looking for a great workspace in Sugar Land, TX for your remote role? Check out Business E Suites today!

Photo Credit: Pexels

Article By: Lance Cody-Valdez