


Texas is Re-Opening at 100%, is Your Business Ready?

By | Industry, Tips

As the weather gets warmer and Summer approaches quickly, Texas businesses are opening back up at a rapid pace. Consumers have been cautiously saving their money for the past year, but now cash is starting to flow back into the community as people begin to travel and spend discretionary income once again.

Is your business ready for an influx of new customers? Many owners have had to trim back staff and inventory due to decreased capacity and spending throughout much of 2020. Consumer spending has started to rebound though, with multiple states opening. Consumer Spending in the United States increased to 12999.10 USD Billion in the fourth quarter of 2020 from 12924.72 USD Billion in the third quarter of 2020 (source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis).

If you traveled for Spring Break this year, then you may have seen some of the signs of rising spending: full flights at the airports, long lines at retail stores, longer waits for restaurant seating, and the return of a vibrant nightlife scene with packed bars and clubs.

You might have also noticed that some of these businesses were not prepared to handle the influx of customers, having to turn them away or due to being understaffed or out of stock of certain items. At a time when small businesses are struggling, nobody can afford to turn away customers. Make sure you are prepared to handle any sudden surges.  Do not go overboard and buy too much inventory or hire lots of new full-time staff, but make sure you have plans in place should the need arise. Here are some helpful tips for preparing for a busy summer as Texas opens back up completely.

  1. Start posting job openings online and around town – You don’t have to hire anyone right away, but start building a network of quality candidates that you can call on when the time comes for you to increase your staff. You want to avoid being desperate for help and having to settle for subpar employees. As other businesses are re-opening too, the talent pool will dry up quickly. So, get your name out there and start lining up candidates now and stay ahead of the competition.
  2. Begin selectively increasing inventory – Gas prices are rising which means transportation costs for good will be increasing. Now is a good time to start strategically stocking up on non-perishable products that you know will have a high demand as we get into the summer months. Look into securing additional storage or warehouse space so that you won’t be scrambling to find room once demand increases. If you deal in perishables, see if there is affordable refrigerated or freezer storage in the area. Even if you do not need it right now, be prepared should the need arise quickly.
  3. Ramp up marketing campaigns – Marketing expenses are often one of the first areas that owners and managers will cut back when times are lean. As consumers start looking to spend their cash, make sure your company is at the forefront of their consciousness. Digital marketing such as Google or Facebook ads are an easy way to advertise with any size budget. Start small and target certain groups of consumers, then widen your net as you start to see an uptick in interactions. Make sure everyone knows that you are open for business!

Just by following these small tips, you can make a world of difference for your small business and ensure that you are ready as Texas opens and businesses start to see increased traffic.

If you found this article helpful, then we think you would love being a part of our community at Business E Suites. We are home to over 50 local businesses in the Sugar Land area, and we hold regular events and workshops that help entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to succeed. Come and see us and learn how we can help take your business to new heights!



Work From Everywhere: Here’s How to Succeed as a Digital Nomad

By | Industry, Tips

This article is brought to you by Business E Suites.

Once upon a time, hopeful travelers had to choose between exploring the world and maintaining a career. These days, however, remote work has made life as a digital nomad possible —  meaning, you can do the work you love and travel where you’d like all at once. This is a phenomenal way to live life on your own terms, but it’s one that requires some serious forethought. Here are some tips for how to make this lifestyle work for you:

Market Yourself as a Business

Finding a staff position at a company that allows for the digital nomad lifestyle is far from impossible, but it will be challenging. That’s why many people who go this route prefer to work as contract employees. This puts you in charge of your own schedule and workload, which can make it far easier to enjoy the places you visit on your travels. Moreover, it can make moving from place to place simpler since you won’t have to negotiate time off every time you want to wander.

That said, if you go this route, it’s important to treat yourself as a small business. Depending on what kind of work you’re doing, you may be taking on legal and financial risks if you work as a sole proprietor. Forming a limited liability company, or LLC, creates a legal barrier between your personal and professional assets. This kind of protection can offer invaluable peace of mind.

Stay Organized

One of the biggest challenges facing digital nomads is keeping their work organized. This is hard enough to manage for self-employed people and remote workers in general, but add the inherent instability of travel into the mix, and it gets a whole lot trickier. That’s why it’s so important to foster a reliable organizational method you can use to keep your work on track.

There are several approaches you can take to this. For example, there are many different types of task-management programs that can sync between several devices. This can make keeping track of tasks and deadlines possible when you’re frequently transitioning between your phone and laptop while on the go. You can also use a physical planner or bullet journal system to keep your tasks organized. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution here, so try out several approaches until you find one that’s best for you.

Where to Work?

Life as a digital nomad means you can take your work on the go, but this does mean you have to keep your itinerary filled with destinations with a reliable internet connection. Many hotels and vacation rentals come with WiFi — be sure to check the booking information thoroughly to make sure you know if internet access is included in the price.

If your temporary home doesn’t have internet access, you can often find restaurants and coffee shops that do. It’s important to follow etiquette when using these kinds of establishments as workspaces, however. Be sure to pick up a drink or food item, tip well, and avoid lingering during busy times whenever possible.

Finally, you may be able to find coworking spaces on your journey. A coworking space can be especially useful if you’re spending a month or more in a single area. Business E Suites offers memberships that you can use throughout your whole stay. Coworking spaces don’t just offer internet access — they also give you access to a desk, a quiet space, and amenities that can make your workday substantially more pleasant.

Although this work style isn’t right for everyone, it can make exploring the world feasible for people who don’t already have the funds to sustain long-term travel — or who aren’t willing to sacrifice their careers along the way. We hope this article helps you to figure out whether or not you’d like to dive into the digital nomad life and, if so, how to make it happen.

Looking for a great workspace in Sugar Land, TX for your remote role? Check out Business E Suites today!

Photo Credit: Pexels

Article By: Lance Cody-Valdez


Featured Member: Faisal & Will (SNS)

By | Business, Industry

Faisal Shaikh and Will Peoples comprise SNS Ventures, a Sugar Land IT consulting company that services clients all over the country. They joined our community at Business E Suites in 2020 and have been growing ever since.  Faisal has been in IT and Cybersecurity for much of his career, and he met Will while they were both at GE. After advancing in the industry, Faisal saw an opportunity to start working as a consultant. This gave him more freedom to work with different kinds of clients, and he was not tied down to one company which gave him more security.

Before he started IT consulting though, Faisal got his first taste of small business ownership by opening a couple of restaurants called Saruzzos NY Pizzeria in the Houston area in 2016. Ultimately, Faisal’s goal is to be self-sufficient and get to retire early. Although the restaurants were doing well, there was an opportunity in consulting to potentially reach that retirement even earlier. That is how Faisal operates, he is always open to new opportunities and ideas, and he has the drive and ambition to make them happen.  Like any good business owner, Faisal knew he needed to assemble a winning team. He started by calling Will. After years of working offshore on oil rigs and a hectic schedule, Will was ready for a new challenge working together with Faisal. Will has his own experience as a small business owner, and his time in Oil & Gas provided him with lots of good connections in the industry. He was thrilled at the opportunity to work with Faisal again and work for himself “like a boss.”

SNS Ventures found Business E Suites in December 2020 when Faisal actually came to rent a van from one of our other tenants: Luxed Vans. Faisal toured the facility and loved the clean, professional look and the flexibility of month-to-month terms. As a project-based company, that flexibility is a major plus. It gives SNS the ability to scale their workspace up and down as needed when they take on extra clients or complete a long-term project.  The project-based nature of the business has also been one of the greatest challenges SNS has faced so far. Going from 2 contracts to 3 contracts is a massive increase to their workload, and likewise going from 2 contracts to 1 contract cuts their revenue in half. These big swings can be stressful, but it is just part of the challenge of being a small business.

If Will and Faisal could give one piece of advice to other small businesses out there it is this: Enjoy it!! You are your own boss now, so act like a boss and enjoy the freedom and opportunity provided to you from working for yourself.  Business E Suites is very happy to have SNS Ventures as one of our core members, and we look forward to watching them grow and accomplish all of their goals for 2021 and beyond.


Let’s Grow Together

By | Business, Industry, Tips

Real estate always keeps you on your toes, there are many things constantly on the move, but there is one thing that is often overlooked and that is turning away small businesses or clients that might not meet your criteria.

Having a defined target audience for your business helps you to understand how to advertise to bring the ideal customer thru the door, but sometimes we forget that growing your network can help your business in the long run. Many realtors might not realize that when a small business is looking for their services is already trusting them, whatever they are in the need of a single office or shared office, whatever they have a small budget or are in the process of planning for the upcoming months, the fact is that most Realtors are unable to help these clients and by not giving them options, they are turning way potential client in the future, because some of that business may need to grow and expand their office soon.

At Business E Suites we believe in creating a strong relationship with everyone no matter how far along you are on your path to success. We have co-working spaces, dedicated desks, meeting rooms, and a plethora of other services and rooms to suit clients big or small. We believe in creating a strong bond with our clientele because at the end of the day we help each other grow and when it is time to move up, we will be their first call because we have already established that strong mutual relationship.

Our advice to you is to let us help you help your clients, there are ways to get even small clients in, whether it is through referral incentives or simply giving you the best price available to suit any realtor’s needs. We need to really focus and understand the importance of helping startups or small businesses take that extra step. This is where you will have your groundbreaking moments; by allowing yourself to grow with each other and benefit both ways.  Plus, Business E Suites offers great referral fees, and the best part, when any small client grows their business to the next stage, you’ll be the first call they make.


El antídoto para adaptarse en el nuevo mercado

By | Business, Industry, Tips

Si bien la tecnología de la comunicación nos permite trabajar desde casa, existen dificultades que podrás experimentar al trabajar en casa y analizamos los beneficios que te brinda el mantener una correcta división entre tu trabajo y tu casa. Existen alternativas para poder trabajar de una manera eficiente, adecuada y por bajos costos como las oficinas compartidas, existe el alquiler de cubículos u oficinas y con ellos los beneficios de mantener tu empresa conectada con otras, permitiendo así la expansión en el mercado, mejorando tu carta de presentación ante tus clientes y mantener absoluto control sobre tus resultados, algo que están haciendo los empresarios profesionales con estrategias eficientes y dirigidas a la productividad, rentando espacios económicos que ayudan en la imagen de tu negocio, controlar tu agenda y múltiples beneficios extras.

  1. La balanza productiva.

Te habrás dado cuenta que trabajando desde casa, existe mayor comodidad y se reflejará en tus resultados. A esto se le conoce como la balanza productiva, cuando la distracción aumenta, el rendimiento disminuye y viceversa. Supongamos que te llaman a una junta urgente y sigues en pijama, o debes cerrar un trato con un cliente potencial y a tu alrededor se escucha mucho ruido o imagina presentar el reporte de fin de mes al dueño de la empresa, mientras tus hijos corren por la casa.

Es aquí donde separar tu hogar de la oficina cobra sentido, respetar los espacios es clave para el correcto desarrollo de tu organización, recordemos que el propósito de todo negocio es avanzar al siguiente nivel. No importa a que industria perteneces, todas las empresas buscan aumentar su cartera de clientes, expandir su mercado, incrementar su capacidad de producción y con ello formar equipos de trabajo competentes, numerosos y estables. Siguiendo con esta visión, tu valor en el mercado también se beneficiará, creando una red de contactos más sólida y por ende las recomendaciones profesionales.

  1. En la unión está la fuerza.

Si eres del tipo de persona a la que le gusta trabajar solo y con métodos específicos, amarás el trabajar aislado desde casa, pero debemos recordar el proverbio africano que dice “Si quieres ir rápido camina solo, si quieres llegar lejos ve acompañado”, mismo que siguen las empresas reconocidas a nivel internacional. Sabemos que en el mercado actual es más fuerte la competencia, por tal motivo es importante transmitir confianza al cliente, tu corporativo debe proyectar experiencia, seguridad y profesionalismo.

Si apenas estás comenzando, te recomiendo buscar una oficina compartida, te incluye diversos servicios como internet, servicio postal, recepcionista, cafetería, entre otros más por el mismo precio. Además de esta gran ventaja, el alquilar un espacio de coworking te permite estar en contacto con otros profesionales, encontrar inspiración, perspectivas, hacer relaciones laborales y obtener recomendaciones. Es muy común que un cliente nuevo o antiguo de la persona que se aloja en el cubículo de enseguida necesita del servicio que provees y de manera directa llegan a ti, sin necesidad de buscarlos.

  1. El ahorro intangible

Por supuesto, no podemos dejar a un lado la economía, quizá piensas en el ahorro que representa trabajar desde casa como en transporte, la comida rápida o incluso en vestimenta. Pero seamos realistas, no hablamos de un gasto masivo y se puede comparar con la energía eléctrica que antes no usabas en tus horas fuera, notarás que el garrafón del agua se termina más rápido que antes, gastarás en café, etc. Es cierto que el gasto no es algo grande, pero tenlo en cuenta: para trabajar en casa necesitarás más que una computadora, una mesa y un sofá

Cuando trabajas mucho tiempo sentado, es importante tener un mueble diseñado para trabajar en una posición cómoda, misma que un espacio de trabajo te brinda. Además, según sea el ramo en el que te desarrolles, es posible que necesites impresora, escáner o muebles para archivar información importante. Por otro lado, si tienes una vivienda pequeña, ten en cuenta que tener una oficina en casa afectará el espacio de todos, lo que afectará no solo tu comodidad, sino también la de ellos.




4 Things to Look For When Booking A Meeting Room

By | Business, Industry, Tips

It is all about The Room Where It Happens, just ask Alexander Hamilton. Meeting rooms are where things get done. decisions, deals, hiring, firings and more- they all happen in a meeting room. When you make these potential business-altering decisions, you need to be in an environment that amplifies your confidence and your brand rather than diminishes it.

Sugar Land is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, and it is buzzing with small business and entrepreneurial activity. Working from home is a popular and cost-efficient way to start out your company, but not always a great place to meet clients or host meetings. That is why many locations in the Sugar Land area have started offering meeting rooms for rent by the hour or the day. It gives your small business a more professional appearance at an affordable price.

I identified the 4 main qualities that you need to look for when booking a room for your next meeting:

  • Accessibility – How easy is it to book the room? Sometimes you need to book a room in a hurry on short notice. Many meeting rooms will require you to book a day or two in advance and charge cancellation fees. The best meeting rooms are ones that let you book on a first-come-first-served basis and on the same day. This will give you maximum flexibility, because we all know things rarely go according to plan when it comes to small business.
  • Appearance – Nobody wants to be in a stuffy, plain-looking room; it saps your energy and affects the image you are putting forward to your clients. Always look to find meeting rooms with windows and natural light when possible. Look for bright colors and stylish furniture that will make people feel creative and motivated.
  • Functionality – A meeting room is of no use if it cannot do what you need it to. This means having the right furniture, technology, layout, and amenities. Be sure to look for photos of the space to make sure it has the chairs, TVs, and tables to meet your needs. Giving a big presentation? Look for rooms with a large and high-quality screen. Hosting a round table discussion? Try to find spaces with customizable layouts to arrange accordingly.
  • Location – When meeting with clients, you always need to put their needs first. Do not make them have to drive across town, and don’t make them have to pay or spend time trying to find parking. Having a good variety of restaurants nearby is always a plus in case you want to transition your meeting into a lunch. Also consider the surrounding environment of the meeting space, choose something that fits the personality of who you are meeting with. Some people like busy areas with lots of activity, while others prefer something more private and quieter.

Business E Suites a beautiful and easy to use website, simply go to ‘Meeting Rooms’ under the ‘Workspaces’ tab and click Book Now. All their rooms are first come first serve and can be booked same day right up until the time of your meetings. This is great for impromptu or last-minute meetings you need to plan in a hurry. Once you have chosen and booked your room, you pay through their online portal via card or ACH and then just show up for your meeting- it is that easy!

All of Business E Suites is designed around an Aviation theme which ties in with the Sugar Land Airport located right down the street. Each of their rooms is named after a different private aircraft and with various Aviation pictures and bright colors on each of the walls. They have some lovely custom-made conference tables that give it a very classy look. Lots of large windows and natural light give each of their rooms a bright and energetic atmosphere.

Each of the meeting rooms at Business E Suites comes equipped with a Large LCD TV and a full-size whiteboard. They also offer very secure high-speed Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections in each room. So, whether you are hammering out a new business plan, giving a detailed sales presentation, or crafting new digital media- you will have everything you need. An Added perk is that they offer complementary coffee, tea, and water to all their guests. Perfect for an early morning or late afternoon burst of caffeine!

Business E Suites is located a bit further down Highway 6 from the downtown Sugar Land area. Just past the Skeeters’ Stadium and Sugar Land Regional Airport, it offers an alternative location when meeting clients coming from the West side of Houston. The surrounding area is much more quiet than downtown area, but still offers a variety of quality dining locations and has plenty of parking for larger parties.

Visit or Call 281-862-3150

Making the most out of your coworking space

By | Business, Industry

Having a co-working space can increase overall productivity; you get to work with like minded individuals that have the same
goals or outlooks that you do. Not to mention having a co-working space can decrease your costs of maintaining a big
office space, we provide all the office essentials needed to get your start-up/small business going. This is an
important factor that many business owners tend to overlook and overtime rack up office expenses that they were not
expecting to have. There is also the plus of working in a positive environment where business owners like yourself are
looking to get ahead while having the same goals or challenges that you currently face and it is a great way to keep
motivated when you work in a professional workspace where everyone pushes each other in a positive way.

There is also an upside of getting to network with many other business owners that could end up being potential
clients or you could come across people that can give you great references. Sometimes when you try to grow your business
you can hit plateaus, but when you are able to network with other business owners, you are able to come out of that
challenge even stronger. With co-working spaces we take care of everything, all you need to do is focus on your business
while we provide you with everything you need at an affordable rate.

Axxiar USA Feature

By | Industry

We hate to see them go, but we knew this would happen.

Axxiar came to us with a unique problem that needed to be solved. Their NEW place in Alvin, where they moved to, was not available/ready to occupy. SO they needed an affordable short-term solution.

That’s where we come in! Axxiar needed office space for four employees and warehouse space. First, they looked at our Office Warehouse units, but they required more space for their machinery & inventory. So, they decided to rent one of our large warehouse unit 12’ x 40’ PLUS a Private Office for 4, upstairs in Business E Suites.

When I interviewed them for this blog, they confided that they would have preferred to be here had known before about how excellent our property and service was. I loved hearing that!

I noticed the first day they arrived; by mid-day, all four workstations were up and running. Benjamin Chevalier says the internet is FAST, and our Community Manager, Colin, was a big help because he knows how all the tech works together.  

They also mentioned the pleasant atmosphere and amenities we have, including our network printer, all the coffee they could drink, and separate meeting rooms to use for Zoom calls and such. Today they had a webinar on our property to showcase a new tool – over 35 attendees, and it went off without a hitch.

We are going to miss them. I forgot to mention, they were French, and we enjoyed sharing our American traditions with them.

Of course, we want them to stay, but we know our customers are on the move! That’s why we offer short-term options and services that are scalable to your business needs. In this economy, flexibility is required! Our business model is based on that – we know as businesses grow, so do their needs.

I met some great people for Axxiar, and it’s satisfying to know that we had a part in keeping their business functional during a transition that could have been costly.

AXXAIR designs, manufactures and distributes its orbital tube working machines ever since the company’s foundation in 1997. Our business focuses on the global tube working process: orbital cutting, beveling, squaring and welding. With now over twenty years of experience under its belt, the group has become an international reference on the market of tube processing.

Thriving in the middle of a pandemic

By | Business, Industry, Tips

How to Stand Out
During a Pandemic.

The business community has changed as we know it – due to COVID-19.  This change has been chaotic for some businesses but beneficial for some others.  How to thrive in the middle of a pandemic is what we’ll be talking about here today.  The pandemic has created a simple recipe to run a business, it is now running from home, it is now via video calls, it is now standardized to get work done virtually from anywhere.  As business owners, we came to realize a lot of the processes and a lot of the structure of the business was unnecessary and the endless expenses were not even needed.

Now, we came to realize that your business can be run from anywhere but we still need to keep a business professional, we still need to focus and we still need to be productive to thrive in the industry.  There are several marketing readjustments a business has to do in the middle of the pandemic, there are things that a business owner must re-route their strategy to but overall, there needs to be an affordable professional environment where it can be flexible and suitable for your business.

Business E Suites offers private, shared and co-working spaces to help your business thrive in a professional environment starting for FREE and moving forward with pricing as low as $199/month.  The ideal place to help your business thrive starts where you run it and that matters the most because once you have your mind in the right place, the productivity in its ideal stage, everything else will fall in place.  The big advantage of a working environment like Business E Suites is that you are joining a community that will benefit your business from a networking standpoint to a marketing strategy and so on.  Let’s get productive, let’s restart your business.

Start a Tour with Business E Suites

Why Business Professionals Want to Go Back to the Office?

By | Business, Industry

Being in the local business community you get to hear a lot of the current experiences other business owners are going through, what it’s like to work from home and run their business from what once was a comfortable, relaxing, end of your day spot.  I got to speak to a handful of business owners in the local Sugar Land community, one of them particularly is an accountant and I ask her, what it was to work from home and how did she feel about taking her professional life back to the office?  She came up with 2 challenges that I myself and some other business owners, all agreed were the same kind of struggles they were facing.

  1. Working from home is really a nightmare – the main reason to this statement was the amount of anxiety individuals face when working from home, we tend to play two or more roles in our lives and some of these roles can’t mix at all, sure we can be wives and husbands alongside being mothers and fathers but we cannot be a loving mother or father and at the same time a ruthless businessman or woman – although ruthless might be a little out of hand, you get my point.  This feeling of not being able to mix both roles in the same environment creates enormous anxiety among our family and colleagues – if you add as well the beautiful fact that our little angels are actually not little angels and we realize how assertive were the teachers – we were in denial the entire time!!!  Now we get to struggle with the not so little angels and the day-to-day professional challenges all in one place.  Sure we get to perhaps walk around in our pajamas for a little bit longer but is it worth all the other nightmares we are facing while playing mom or dad PLUS director of operations?
  2. The business’ capabilities are forcibly and significantly reduced – the second reason to why professionals can’t wait to get back to the office is to bring their business back to normal, having to take your business to a still-mode and taking your entire operations remotely not only creates a new way to adapt you and your employees but also your customer intake.  Many businesses get their business from actual customers visiting their office, socializing, and networking with these potential customers are the key to growing their business.  Plus, the collaboration between the team is crucial to growing the business as well, and let’s face it so little can be done behind a webcam.

I highly recommend checking out the workspaces at Business E Suites – they aren’t only affordable but accommodating to any business platform and the best part, you take it as you go, so if things go south again with the pandemic, you can always reduce your space intake and go month to month without long term agreements.