Co-Working has revolutionized the way professionals work, it is not only a trend but a practical way to get the job done.
As we know, the term was first used back in 99′ by Bernie Dekoven but it was really put to use in 05′ by Brad Neuberg when he first stated the Hat Factory in California as a work and live loft setting. Others picked up on the trend and by 07′ there was more than 70 co-working spaces around the country. It became a phenomenon particularly in cities like San Francisco, New York, Austin, Toronto, Seattle. 2008 was really when co-working environments were revolutionized into something we know big corporation have but entrepreneurs like you and me could not take advantage of; and so Cubes & Crayons was born, this co-working setting offered the first ever co-working space that included child care, so the on-the-go-parent, entrepreneur, freelancer, startup, small business type of person could not have their kids right next door without all the fuzz and distractions. By 2011, the co-working concept had reached its maximum momentum and over 1,000 communities were part of this movement by the end of that year; causing this phenomenon to simply spike up from there to a worldwide level.
Today, the biggest co-working spaces certainly dominate the global market but the small businesses like yours and ours are quickly scaling to cater the small-local business segment with a local-community sense in mind. Co-working is simply practical, it’s affordable, it’s professional, it’s versatile and flexible. It is giving every aspiring professional the opportunity to scale their business to a whole other level, to an unimaginable level that would normally take years to situate and get it started because traditional working space is so unconventional, unaffordable and complicated.
The co-working story has been written and it continues to go on, it’s a movement that will not stop. What’s your story? What’s your movement?