Companies provide technology to their employees, but it depends on the business activity, of course, the performed work, and the benefit that comes from using technology.
Here are 9 ways to take advantage of technology in your workplace:
Take care of your equipment
For many employees, the computer or laptop is their main work tool, so it’s important to try to make the best use of it.
Optimize your email
Many email providers have options to automatically archive the email you receive and save time searching for important emails by applying custom settings.
Fewer apps, better performance
Having multiple applications running at the same time on your computers can be the cause of slow performance. Focus on one activity at a time.
Throw out the garbage
Do you have documents, images, etc, that no longer serve? Make a folder with these files and compress it. You will save space in your computer’s memory, and it will work faster!
Ask Systems or IT
If you have doubts about installing a program or your equipment is failing, the Systems Manager is the right person to turn to. Remember, the computer is not yours, and even if you think you are a “computer expert”, an office computer is not always the same as a home computer. Ask first.
Protect mobile devices
Mobile devices are expensive, and some require specific care, such as avoiding sun exposure or immersing them in water. Prevent the company from charging you and protect them.
Restrict personal use
If you have free access to the internet in the office, you need to self-regulate on its use for personal matters, especially if it slows down your activities or distracts you too much.
Save yourself the negative comments
A negative message about your boss on social networks can reach him if you don’t know the terms of use of the platform. On the most popular social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, it’s possible to restrict your information and keep it private; do it and avoid problems, or better, don’t comment on work on social networks.
Protect confidentiality
Within companies, many employees have access to confidential or proprietary information, and companies often communicate to employees the rules that exist for sharing facts, figures, and other information. Much of it is found in our computer equipment, protect it! Regarding social networks, refrain from publishing confidential information; once again… social networks are not private, and an indiscreet act on the network cause problems.